Meet our Founder
Andrea Klas is on a mission to help people completely transform their bodies and lifestyles.
A certified personal trainer for more than three decades, Andrea is also a certified sports nutritionist, certified supplement specialist and certified InBody specialist. She knows from experience that optimal health comes from taking care of your body both inside and out. Andrea’s transformative wrap-around fitness, nutrition, and mental wellness program values progress over perfection, and achieves exceptional results.
After struggling with being overweight during her childhood, and dealing with the trauma that came with fat-shaming, Andrea decided to take matters into her own hands. Trying to find a solution for herself when everything she was being told to do was not working, shortly made her realized that the restrictive eating and overtraining approach was failing many people like it was failing her. It was not until she ignored the noise of the dieting world and focused on what fuelled her body properly along with the commitment to an evidence based strength training and cardiovascular routine that she saw real, permanent success.
Even as a former competitive figure skater, runner, triathlete and competitive cyclist during her 20’s and 30’s and 40’s, she always struggled with nutrition and wished she had someone by her side, guiding her along the way. She began a journey in competitive body building in her late forties when she found out that building skeletal muscle was the key to everything in her life becoming the best it could be. In her 50’s, navigating the challenges of perimenopause and menopause, her guiding principles helped her stay lean, energetic and happy.
She now proudly specializes in helping others in perimenopause, menopause, andropause, and beyond – become the leanest, healthiest, happiest, and strongest – they can be.
“Discipline is confidence in the decisions we make everyday to be the best we can be. Being completley in control of our outcomes keeps us motivated to continue making those decisions forever. ”
the team
It is our deep curiosity and ability to listen that drives whole body transformation; one that skillfully combines an evidence-based approach to the elements our program. But the real success of our work depends on how well we support our clients to achieve an informed and a collaborated result.
We take the long view of the health of our clients. We know how to evaluate needs, individualize programs, and coach and track our clients, but above all, we value commitment, accountability and results that span a lifetime.
Our Individualized approach to whole body transformation ensures all our clients needs are clarified and distinguished between the ‘must haves’ and the ‘nice-to-haves’; the needs versus the wants. Our objective is to empower our clients to make their own decisions about what constitutes their unique and ‘best selves’, and coach them accordingly.
Andrea Klas (Founder)
Certified Personal Trainer & Certified Sports Nutritionist
“My mission is to prove to women and men that a transformation is possible at every age.”
Samantha Hodhod (Head Coach)
Certified Personal Trainer
“I believe in being my clients biggest cheerleader by inspiring and guiding them to live a stronger, more empowered version of themselves.”
Jennifer Graham (Nutrition Coach)
Registered Dietitian in BC, Certified Sports Nutritionist, Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Health Coach & Advanced Holistic Nutrition Practitioner.
“My passion is to teach people that when we prioritize wholesome, nutrient-dense foods, we not only fuel our bodies but also our minds, creating a foundation for a happy, resilient, and fulfilling life”
Anita Strigan (Coach)
Certified Personal Trainer
“It absolutely fills my cup to coach clients and see them overcome their obstacles, grow as people and crush their goals! ”
Julie Blanchard (Coach)
Certified Personal Trainer
“I want everyone to feel at home in their body, to move with confidence and joy, and to experience the freedom that comes from living a healthy life. It’s my deepest wish that, together, we can empower you to discover that strength and vitality.”
Griffin Parlow (Coach)
Certified Personal Trainer & Certified Sports Nutritionist
“Helping clients feel comfortable and confident in their bodies and their abilities drives my passion for coaching.”
Nathan Castle (Coach)
Certified Personal Trainer
“I coach to have a positive impact on people’s lives.”
Dr. Sonia Matwin (Mindset Coach)
Ph.D., R.Psych.
Brandi Heisterman (Mindset Coach)
B.Ed M.A. RCC Counselling Psychology
Jake Klas (Vice President)
InBody Specialist & trained Customer Service Representative
“Every transformation starts with a conversation.”
Rocky (Chief Furry Officer)
Trained in welcoming clients with a smile.
“Ruff ruff.”