7 expert recommended ways to maximize your sleep
By Belinda Maude and Andrea Klas
For some of us sleep is elusive! Maybe you stay up too late, or perhaps you struggle to fall asleep. Through our own choices or not, the night time hours can be a real struggle.
It won’t be news to you that sleep is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown that sleep impacts our hunger levels, and tiredness can cause us to grab sugary snacks over whole foods and veggies. If we want to be making healthy choices, the last thing we need is our body working against us! Sleep also plays a huge role in recovery so to maximize our workouts we need to be getting that shut eye. It’s also been proven that sleep hugely impacts our longevity, which means that getting more rest will help us feel younger for longer.
Basically, good sleep is crucial and although you might believe you don’t need very much, you may not notice the incremental impact that lack of sleep is having on your body.
To help you out, here are seven tips for improving your sleep quality:
Stop using screens one hour before bed
Try swapping your late-night scrolling or TV series for a book. Research has shown that the blue light emitted from your screens inhibits the hormone that signals to your body that it’s ready for sleep. Buy a manual alarm clock and choose to charge your phone outside your bedroom for maximum results.
Stop drinking coffee at midday
Many of us need that caffeine hit early in the morning but continuing to pump your body with it throughout the day will impact your sleep. Even six hours after drinking a cup of coffee, half the caffeine is still working its way through your bloodstream.
Try to stop drinking coffee 8 - 10 hours before you sleep for a better night’s rest!
Avoid carbs at dinner
Having high carbohydrate meals at night can disrupt your sleep quality as the fluctuations in blood sugar can impact the body’s sleep-wake cycle. Not only that but consuming lots of carbohydrates at night can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance! Keep those carbs down to keep your sleep sweet.
Create a sleep routine
Whether you like it or not, your body loves a routine. We’re acutely attuned to the rhythms of our day and given the chance our bodies will happily beat to the same drum. Choosing to wake up and go to sleep at similar times will help our bodies recognise bedtime and find it easier to wake up in the morning.
This means trying not to sleep in too late at the weekend!
Try to minimize alcohol before bed
You may think your daily nightcap is helping you sleep but chances are it’s actually working against you. Alcohol relaxes us and can help us fall asleep quicker but once you drift off, your sleep quality will be reduced. You may struggle to reach that all important REM sleep or you may wake up multiple times in the night. Keep your alcohol consumption in check for a better rest.
Throw some exercise into your day
This one won’t be a surprise! Tiring our bodies out with physical activity will set us up for a better night’s sleep. Even on your rest days try getting outside for a walk. The increased activity will have huge benefits when it comes to falling asleep.
Daily exercise has many benefits, including improved sleep
Add in extra protein and fats at night
At night our bodies turn into recovery machines, spending those night time hours to repair damage to the muscles, brain and reset the hormones. Therefore eating a balanced diet with plenty of protein and fats in our evening meals will help aid this process, especially if you’ve been physically active during the day. Protein and fats also help with nutrient absorption and hormone regulation, which are essential for good sleep!
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- Andrea